Civil War

Different Economies

The North and South both relied on different ways to get money, the differences are significant.
The Southern plantation owners bought slaves to work on their plantations, and the slaves would get no pay at all
The South had the Cotton Gin, which increased cotton production, therefore creating more money. It is often called "Cotton's King"
People in the South owned plantations, and it was mostly slaves who worked on them.

In the North, Sarah George Bagley changed working conditions for everybody in the North.(For women.)
Most people in the North worked in factories, for that's what the North relied on for money.

In the North people also lived next door to black(white+black). In the South they lived segregated(apart.)

Important People

Robert Fulton
He was the creator of the steamboat, and is credited with being the creator of the first submarine in history. Steamboats didn't need to be pulled along by a horse or donkey, instead it had a large propeller on the back of it to move it along wide rivers.

Sarah G. Bagley
Helped make peoples working conditions better, though she mostly helped women get better conditions.

Eli Whitney was the creator of the Cotton Gin, otherwise known as 'Cotton's King'. The Cotton Gin seperated the fibers from the seeds, a task normally done by hand(a slave's hand.) A photo of the Cotton Gin is below.
