Civil War

The Different Rights

The state and the Nation wanted different rights, many of the  states had different rights then what the Nation wanted. Many states also had different currency(money.) then the others, so it caused some more problems for the growing nation. In the North a slave was free, therefore he/she could do whatever they pleased. they could work jobs and get paid for it, but in the South they were forced to work on plantations(large fields of normally one crop.)

Missouri Compromise - Who "won" power, states or nation? Nation did.
Kansas-Nebraska Act - Who "won" power this time? States did.
Compromise of 1850 - California was a free state, but other states were nollified.
Nollification means they were able to choose if they were free or not. the Wilmot Proviso stated California would enter as a free state.
The South was angry because when California was accepted, it 'upset' the balance.(There were 30 senators that were free states and 30 senators that were slave states.)

Wilmot Proviso

This is a photo of the Wilmot Proviso. The document angered the South by stating California would enter as a free state, upsetting the balance of even senators for both free and slave states.

Important People

John C. Calhoun was a political figure from South Carolina

Daniel Webster was a statesmen and senator.

David Wilmot was the writer of the Wilmot Proviso,  which would of banned slavery from territory aquired from the document, also allowing California in as a free state.